Thursday, May 26, 2011

Unabomber's Stuff Being Sold by US Marshalls Service

The U.S. Marshals Service has put some of the personal stuff of Theodore John “Ted” Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, up for auction. The online auction started Wed and will continue through June 2. The victims of Kaczynski’s almost 20 year-long mail bombing spree will receive the proceeds from the auction.
Purchasing personal stuff
On April 3, 1996, Kaczynski was captured in Montana in a cabin loaded with items. This stuff, about 60 lots of items, will be sold in the auction that is occurring. These items contain his trademark hooded sweatshirt and dark glasses. His driver’s licenses, deeds, checks, transcripts, letters and birth certificate will all be sold. All of his personal documents found will sell. Anything used by Kaczynski for instance bows and arrows, tools, books or clothing will be sold also along with photos. The Industrial Society and Its Future, or the Unabomber Manifesto, was written on a typewriter also for sale. There will even be 20,000 pages of the document sold, including hand-written and typed versions.
The catalog, photos and information of all the auction items are accessible at the GSA auction site.
Cause of Kaczynski’s recognition
Kaczynski was a mathematical prodigy after bring born in 1942 in Chicago, Ill. He was accepted to Harvard at age 16, and he received an undergraduate degree. Later he earned a PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan. It made Kaczynski frustrated when technology became important to society. It started to rely on technology. Kaczynski moved into a cabin in 1971. This one room cabin in Montana was intended to help him become a self-sufficient male. He got the name Unabomber, due to University and Airline bomber put together, because of his 16 homemade mail bombs he sent to many airlines, universities and other targets between 1978 and 1995. Because of his bombs, three people perished. Another 23 were injured. The subject of a nationwide FBI manhunt, Kaczynski was eventually turned in by his brother and his sister-in-law and captured in 1996. Now, at the age of 69, Kaczynski is serving a life sentence without chance of parole at the “supermax” pr! ison in Florence, Colo.
Using what he hates most
“We will use the technology that Kaczynski railed against in his various manifestos to sell artifacts of his life,” said United States Marshal Albert Nájera in a statement to the press.
What individuals will pay
Nobody knows how much value is really in these items. ”This is an unusual type of case,” says Lynzey Donohue who is a Marshals spokeswoman. “It’s really difficult to put a value on these items because of the intrinsic value they have based on his notoriety.”
NY Daily News
The Sacramento Bee
GSA Auctions

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Students Expect Less Money - More Happiness

College students, or individuals of that same age group, believe that they’ll be just as happy as their parents however expect to earn less over their lifetimes. The AP found that people aged 18 to 24 expected greater levels of debt and higher costs in their life than their parents, but were still generally positive about their futures. Resource for this article – Students optimistic about the future, despite expecting less cash by MoneyBlogNewz.
Younger generation expects less money, more happiness
MSNBC reports that several in college feel like they won’t be making any money although they’ll be happy nevertheless. A poll conducted by the AP and Viacom of 18- to 24-year-old individuals found that 40 percent of survey subjects thought that traditional goals like raising a family and purchasing a home would be more difficult than it was for their parents. When it comes to life, 25 percent believed they’d have it simple. They assumed it would be easier than their parents’ lives were. There were 90 percent that still expected to find an excellent career. They planned on it be fulfilling as well.
Problems with money start with student debt
The individuals in the AP survey indicated that they believed making a living would be harder due to increased costs. Among costs steadily increasing for individuals in that age group is student debt. The average college graduate has about $24,000 in loan debt, according to the New York Times, which at a rate of interest of 6.8 percent demands a payment of $276 per month, and student loans can’t be discharged in bankruptcy. The Department of Education reports that 65.6 percent of all undergraduates from 2007 to 2008 received some sort of financial aid, and 38.5 percent of all undergraduates had student loans of some sort. The Department of Education found that 30 percent of all undergraduates took out subsidized Stafford loans and 22 percent borrowed non-subsidized Stafford loans.
The right investment
The bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average earnings with a college degree are $53,000 a year. Hardly anyone gets it quickly though. A guarantee of income is unlikely with a college degree. Rather, the likelihood an individual will end up in the middle class eventually with the degree is higher. Individuals with college degrees also tend to have lower rates of joblessness; Americans with bachelor’s degrees had a 4 percent lower rate of joblessness than those with only a high school diploma in 2009. The cost of a degree is increasing though.
Information from
Department of Education
New York Times
Bureau of Labor Statistics

Monday, April 25, 2011

Gold Prices Touch $1500 as Some Question Inflationary Pressures

Gold costs are the same as any commodity. They fluctuate in the face of pressures of the outside industry. Today, after quality of U.S. debt was questioned by Standard and Poor’s, gold commodities struck a record high, $1,500 per ounce. The price of gold has been going up in a very strong trend over the last few years. Several say this is proof of a weak economy, others are worried this may be an industry ripe for a bubble. Resource for this article – Gold prices touch $1,500 as some question inflationary pressures by MoneyBlogNewz.
High record of gold prices
Two markers have gold on them. These are the major markers anyway. There is a commodity price of gold known as “exchange-traded products.” This is the industry price of shares being purchased in gold typically. Getting gold is also possible. Usually bars or coins are sold. It is easier to fake coins. They go for a higher price as well. Gold certificates are a middle ground, a promise that the gold indicated on the certificate is accessible and belongs to the owner. The commodity price and spot price are tied together. Today’s spot price of gold hit $1,500 in U.S. dollars, an amount that gold has never hit in the past.
Gold market concerns
Gold prices go up every time the financial markets go down. Investors often view gold as a hedge, a “safe haven” of investment. Gold is not like currency in that it will always maintain or increase in value. Since the value of currency of the United States was decoupled from gold, demand for gold has been going up. The value of gold will always stay the same, most assume. Some financial experts are concerned that several individuals are using short-term financial solutions or personal financing as a way of getting into the gold industry that may or may not be worth the investment. Gold prices could easily begin to drop again considering the chance that it could just be a bubble.
Be wary of gold-investment advisers
Investing in gold can have rewards. There are risks too though. Gold has over the years been a strong investment, but dips in costs are possible with fluctuating demand, central bank policies changing and inflation amounts of various currencies fluctuating. Gold is the “only smart investment in the current economy” according to some gold-investment advisers. A lot of advisers sell gold investments. This is done to make money. Balance your gold investment with other investments though if you are going to do it.
Information from
Wall Street Journal
Gold News

Monday, April 4, 2011

As labor market stalls,more individuals agree to work for free

U.S. companies are benefiting from a huge pool of unemployed workers who are willing to work for free to gain experience. The use of unpaid labor has increased substantially during the recession. Federal regulators are warning that if the pattern continues any recovery in the labor sector will be further pushed back. In an effort to pursue the integrity of the labor sector, federal regulators have been considering tighter control over the policies governing the application of unpaid labor by U.S. companies. Article resource – Trend of unpaid labor threatens to further undermine job market by MoneyBlogNewz.
People will work for free for a job
College graduates aren't the only ones trying to get unpaid internships right now. There are several seasonal workers starting to join the about 14 million unemployed while only about one sixth of them have jobs. It is simple to figure out that workers are being exploited in all areas where they’re working for free to hopefully get a paying job by simply going on to Craigslist even though you will find unpaid labor official statistics. For an employee, the experience and references of the job are sometimes worth it. For the businesses though, sometimes it isn't worth getting someone for free who cannot do anything you need done. Unpaid workers are not easy to handle while paying an employee is easier sometimes.
Many upset about unpaid internships
The rise of illegal unpaid labor in the aftermath of the recession has elevated red flags with the federal government. A report was issued last April by the Economic Policy Institute. “Not So Equal Protection — Reforming the Regulation of Student Internships,” was what it was called. The point of the report was to get unpaid internship regulation on a federal level. In accordance with the institute, current regulations controlling unpaid internships must be reformed, not only for the protection of unpaid workers, but to maintain a healthy labor market and prevent any further decline in wages, which have been sliding for 40 years. In the report, the institute contends that the present lack of clear regulations exposes unpaid labor to workplace discrimination and encourages businesses to replace paid positions with unpaid internships.
Unpaid labor regulations
Despite the institute’s call for more government regulation, federal and state rules require that workers must be paid the minimum wage and overtime. Unpaid internships are okay sometimes. Companies have to follow the Fair labor Standards Act though. An internship can't replace a paid position while benefiting the intern more than the company according to the FLSA. Back pay is required when a company is caught doing this. The company also has to pay $1,100 per violation and all of the damages. Companies that make less than $500,000 in revenue is considered a small company to the FLSA and do not have to follow the rules. The FLSA exemption is forfeited by a business if it does interstate commerce as simple as taking credit cards and calling another state.
Information from
The Hoya

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Carmelo Anthony to Lakers:A Magical Combo

There’s been a great deal of talk about exactly where Denver Nuggets forward Carmelo Anthony could be traded this season. The strongest buzz has been for the NY Knicks, although a new heavyweight might have entered the arena, reports ESPN. Carmelo Anthony to the Lakers might be the next big National Basketball Association headline.
All about the Carmelo to Lakers trade
It is very possible for a Carmelo Anthony to Lakers trade to occur. Mere days after former Lakers legend Earvin "Magic" Johnson proclaimed that the team has to change something in order to win a championship, Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak told the LA media that he is open to a trade. Carmelo and his wife, Music Television personality La La Vazquez, purchased a home in Los Angeles last summer, too. Lakers representatives have coyly denied interest.
Details on the Lakers
The first in Pacific Division is the Lakers that also have 36-16. Answers are being looked for by the team though since lots of high-profile losses have happened. Anthony would be exactly what the Lakers need as he is a strong scorer. He’s a dominant scorer who can pull up for the jumper or abuse smaller players down low (‘Melo is 6-foot-8, 230 pounds). With Pau Gasol, Bryant and Lamar Odem, the Lakers would be unstoppable. Guarding them would be hard.
The sacrifice the Lakers is willing to make
If the Carmelo Anthony to the Lakers deal goes through, ESPN reports the Lakers would likely move oft-injured center Andrew Bynum. Interior scorers can have difficulty scoring with the size and mobility of Bynum. Still, the durability of him is questioned. In accordance with ESPN, more players than just Anthony may be offered since salary is a major concern of the Nuggets right now. Also, the NBA requirements would all be filled with a straight up trade between Carmelo Anthony and Andrew Bynum.
Other Carmelo Anthony trade possibilities
The NY Knicks have been talking to the Denver nuggets about Carmelo Anthony trade as well as the Los Angeles Lakers. A three team deal with the Minnesota Timberwolves was one of the deals that have not occurred yet. None of the speculated deals have been happening. There were calf and ankle injuries that Kicks forward Wilson Chandler sustained. That means the trade hasn't happened yet.
Information from
ESPN Los Angeles
Los Angeles Times
Lakers’ Ron Artest on how to guard Carmelo Anthony

Monday, February 14, 2011

Scientology,Tom Cruise religion,Investigated for Human Trafficking

The FBI has launched a probe into Scientology, the faith that has gained notoriety from celebrities such as Tom Cruise and John Travolta. The FBI investigation has to do with human trafficking accusations leveled against Scientology. Stories of pushed confinement and slave labor have emerged from ex-Scientology members who escaped their captors. Post resource – FBI investigates Church of Scientology for human trafficking by
Using the desert as a scientology get away for work
Former Scientologists trying to quit were interviewed by agents in 2009 starting the FBI human trafficking investigation of Scientology. Those considered apostates would get confined to a Scientology compound east of LA in the California desert. This was where several had hazing occur while pushed labor for hardly any pay happened as well, in a story the St. Petersburg Times broke out 2 years ago. The New Yorker said on Feb. 7th the FBI investigation of Scientology was occurring. Screenwriter Paul Haggis revealed this. In 2009, the Church of Scientology lost Haggis. This was due not only to what the Times showed was human trafficking but also due to the Proposition 8 support that California had and was supported by Scientology.
Labor helped Tom Cruise get better
It was shown in the Times and New Yorker that there have been escapees out of the Scientology desert compound. They would be forced to return back there though. Women were pushed into abortions when getting pregnant as they were told not to have kids. The workers in the compound got paid $50 a week while previous Scientologists explained leader David Miscavige lived well on the church's money. Miscavige forced a worker to customize motorcycles for Cruise. Thousands of dollars is normally what is paid for something like this. Cruise also had an SUV customized and an airplane hangar renovated with forced Scientology labor.
Human trafficking with the scientology
Human trafficking was denied by the Church of Scientology meaning the FBI was denied. A spokesman called the New Yorker article a “rehash of unfounded accusations.” However, signs of human trafficking listed on the FBI website match the experiences shared by Scientology defectors. Some of those signs include individuals living and working in the exact same place who experience physical and emotional abuse, as well as control of their food, schedule, money, speech, ID and travel documents.
Articles cited
St. Petersburg Times
New York Daily News
The New Yorker
New York Post

Monday, January 24, 2011

Brandi Farve Going to Prison for Her Part in Meth Ring

The Associated Press accounts that Brandi Favre, younger sister to currently retired National Football League star Brett Favre, was arrested in her Diamondhead, Miss., home. As outlined by Hancock County Sheriff’s Maj. Matt Karl, Brandi Favre, 34, encounters accusations of manufacturing meth, possession of a controlled substance, transport of a controlled substance and creating hazardous waste. Favre was among five people arrested at a trendy Diamondhead residence on Golf Club Drive. She most likely will not need a payday advance to make bail.
Brandi Favre had help with meth getting made
When the Hancock County Narcotics Task Force came to see Brandi Favre, her neighbors weren't astonished although Diamondhead is a quiet community normally. There was a sting outside diamond head, said task force director Karl. WLBT3 NBC reports that this is what led to the location of where the meth was being produced. Seven units nearby were all evacuated. The risk of an explosion is very high with meth production because you will find flammable evaporated solvents that production releases. Authorities uncovered a large amount of the finished drug.
"We discovered the full lab in the bathroom; it was still cooking. I think we collected pretty close to 10 grams (worth about $1,000) of finished product, which, that’s a lot of meth,” said Karl.
Meth ring gets others arrested
David Logan, Marty Grimes, Alesha Kirkland and Carl Wynn III were all arrested with Brandi Favre. All of the suspects were ages 25 to 53. Favre has been arrested before, on charges ranging from felony shoplifting to unlawful use of a weapon during a drive-by shooting.
"She’s always in trouble," Karl told MSNBC, indicating that the current Brandi Favre mug shot circulating the Web is not her first.
Since you will find already issues with the Jenn Sterger debacle along with the Brandi Favre problems, maybe it is a good thing that Brett Favre retired.
Restricting cold medicine sales creates lucrative crystal meth market
It seemed like crystal meth became more wanted after the ban on pseudoephedrine. This was on any cold medicines using it, Impact Lab reports. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration explains that this made for a "sub-criminal culture." That means that by selling 10 grams of crystal meth, Brandi Favre was able to bring in about $1,000 in profit.
Articles cited
Impact Lab
NBC Sports
Meth lab toxic waste hidden by snow